The fashy world of black block and a polite arrest record of protests is folly for a family trying to stay afloat in the coal hills of Wise County, VA. Neesha has deep hillbilly girl roots. She’s from the same southwestern corner of Virginia that Charlie’s kin are from. Charlie,Continue Reading

Old County Jail

When it’s time to embrace the suck and power through most of us do. Charlie isn’t most of us. So he gives us content to enjoy.Continue Reading

Grievance is Key

Grievance is key for American Maoists. Grievance nearly took me out. I had beef with a long list of enemies. At the top of the list was her, my son’s mother. If it wasn’t for her I wouldn’t be on probation. She is the reason I have to do weekendContinue Reading

Come to Papa

That Come to Papa moment. Yes, I know, it’s “Come to Jesus” but some of my readers flop into convulsions on the mention of Him. Papa is a nephew of Ojiisan. His English name is William (Bill). Bill is inside on card counting charges. Ojiisan is upset so Bill getsContinue Reading

Five Pillars

Yo, these are the must-knows if you wanna be a woke warrior. If you flop on the Five Pillars, you’ll lose your Social Credit Rating (SCR). No SCR? No snacks for you!Continue Reading

Bleeding control kit, bleeding mojo

You know it’s bad when you are bleeding mojo and the flow is weak. I want to say I’m not like Charlie. I have more mojo and better sense. Well . . . 29-May-2024 happened to both of us. I wrecked my car. I wasn’t hurt. But I was badContinue Reading

Nicene Council

The Nicene Creed is so yesterday! Who cares about a fight over the divinity of Christ 1700 years ago? It’s 2024. Viva La Revolution! Viva Chávez! ¡Dios ha muerto! ¡El sol nunca se pone en la revolución! Viva Castro! 毛澤東是獨一真神!Except that the sun does set on revolution. Socialism never succeededContinue Reading

Naked Caesar Reputation Death Match

Felina and I grew old and settled. Our days of wild oats are rose-tinted memories. I’m semi-retired, working part-time at Advance Auto. Felina went home in 2017 to help her Mom & Dad rebuild their office supply store. Wild SHYT gets home and all that young angst and existential dreadContinue Reading

God is Not Dead

It’s a thing. God is Dead. Everything is futile. Do all seven deadly sins because it doesn’t matter. Then rinse/repeat until you become worm food. If that’s you, sorry. As for me, God is not Dead. I’ve spent most of my adult life living on the wrong side of theContinue Reading

Thomas Cox and Daughter Tommy Cox

Tommy Cox (Thomas Edward Cox Jr.) is a friend. I planned on finishing Emperor Dung’s attempt to demand a free weekend at Saito-san’s Paradise Valley Casino. Emperor Dung’s idea was to win by Occupying Paradise Valley because someone else had already Occupied Wall Street and failed. Back to Tommy Cox.Continue Reading