Hard Times What Next

I’m at a pivot point. Post 365 published last week. My normal is somewhere near disaster. Each time I think this time, this thing that has kicked off, will be the end of me. Not yet. Some day, sure. We all have an end. That what next is certain. It’sContinue Reading

Five Pillars

Yo, these are the must-knows if you wanna be a woke warrior. If you flop on the Five Pillars, you’ll lose your Social Credit Rating (SCR). No SCR? No snacks for you!Continue Reading

Nicene Council

The Nicene Creed is so yesterday! Who cares about a fight over the divinity of Christ 1700 years ago? It’s 2024. Viva La Revolution! Viva Chávez! ¡Dios ha muerto! ¡El sol nunca se pone en la revolución! Viva Castro! 毛澤東是獨一真神!Except that the sun does set on revolution. Socialism never succeededContinue Reading

Naked Caesar Reputation Death Match

Felina and I grew old and settled. Our days of wild oats are rose-tinted memories. I’m semi-retired, working part-time at Advance Auto. Felina went home in 2017 to help her Mom & Dad rebuild their office supply store. Wild SHYT gets home and all that young angst and existential dreadContinue Reading

Some of us breathe toxic water. We inhabit a place where the water we breathe is toxic. If we are fortunate enough to have jobs that pay a living wage or better and don’t have a grievance or a malady, then we are the problem. It is because of theContinue Reading

My tithing fight is one more thing that is healthy and yet I don’t do it. One thing I do that isn’t healthy is fritter away cash on trivial things I could do without. My typical spend at Starbucks or Wawa is about $15.00. If I eat breakfast and lunchContinue Reading

The Grind, Repeat Before I get back to Inger’s Finger I need to talk about something. It’s something I saw in myself and in other cab drivers when I was a yungin. We all start the same way. Young and naive, full of energy and surety that we can slayContinue Reading

Of Lost December Regrets Good night sweet December. Another year, another season, another reason to talk about regrets. One more sunrise in which winter gives way to a hangover and promises to be better this year. It’s that reason for the season and the concomitant credit card debt. Christmas isContinue Reading

We exhault the ending. We don’t like the heroic misery that led to the ending. It would be awesome if we could just have the penultimate moment at the peak of victory all the time. One decapitated dragon bleeding out behind one handsome, sword wielding guy. On the guy’s otherContinue Reading