We exhault the ending. We don’t like the heroic misery that led to the ending. It would be awesome if we could just have the penultimate moment at the peak of victory all the time. One decapitated dragon bleeding out behind one handsome, sword wielding guy. On the guy’s otherContinue Reading

Daniel 3

I wrote a post I titled, “Anxiety“. I wanted to be done with it. I am not done with it. I am not over it. Fear touches me in two ways lately. My son, who I don’t usually write about, suffers from anxiety that causes depression for him. This isContinue Reading

Let me explain the title of this piece. This aphorism, “secrets have a way of getting out,” was in my head as I watched our local TV station report the march on Broad Street because Dumpf was inaugurated. Dumpf’s opposition is desperate for a secret that will kill his abilityContinue Reading

Brave New World Quote

This is post #200 again. I had over 250 posts at one time before I sabotaged myself and had to rewrite all of them. Because I had to do everything all over I didn’t just put the content back. I did an edit. We are months away from voting onContinue Reading