You Can Blame Me It seems that the reason so many are so miserable is me. My adjectives, WASP, cis-hetero male, from parents who busted their ass to give me a better life, makes me bougie and bougie is evil. Being bougie means that my existence is a sin. So I oweContinue Reading

Saint Thomas Aquinas

A Pastoral Peace It’s been a quiet week on the farm. Spring is a few months away. There is still winter misery in the valley. Over the winter Ray tore down the 9N and rebuilt it. The chicken coop needs an overhaul, including two tires. It’s been a couple ofContinue Reading

Run! Felina Run! It’s what was in my head as she told me about the pendejo who had invited her to stay with him on a visit to Richmond. He was all that. He called himself Akim Kogan. Former addict, 6 years clean and sober !with tokens to prove it!,Continue Reading

I don’t have 1500 odd words on a single topic. I have a storm cloud of random thoughts buzzing around like knats on meth. So, this post will be a little (a lot) scattered. Your normally crazy-making, pugnacious blog posts will resume soon enough. ♦ ♦ ♦ We have been told forContinue Reading

First Posted 10-Feb-2105 Not dead yet? Sun rose again today? Doh. Guess we are not going to die just yet. Dang. I was hoping to be raptured so I didn’t have to do dishes tonight. Well that stinks. As I type it’s a fairly typical February day for Richmond, VA.Continue Reading

Meadow Filled with Black-eyed Susans

#johnk. My buddy and I were kicking around the various malfunctions we suffer from/through with our kin. His Dad somehow picked up the “go away/come here” tactic of some women. It is a core belief of his that any relationship that feels like it is in “come here” mode willContinue Reading

First Posted 24-Jun-2015 Ok, yungins, go Google “Herb Cain”. Also Walter Winchell. Both published columns talking about what was going on in their respective cities. Herb Cain was a fixture in the San Francisco Chronicle for almost 60 years. His columns were tidbits of news seperated by an elipsis. IContinue Reading