For the simple, BiteMe is my nickname for our new President, Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. I can sort of understand a woman returning to her pimp. The first five years of leaving the life suck. Your whole support system and network of relationships that enabled the life are gone. YouContinue Reading


First Posted 15-Apr-2015 I’m one of the good guys. I believe that everyone I deal with will play by basic rules I don’t have to worry about. It makes me very nervous to think about an opponent who isn’t polite, won’t behave in expected ways, and may not be inContinue Reading

First Posted 26-Feb-2015 This one is as nuts as some of my recent posts, maybe more. A friend of mine, who did a long bit in prison, still wants to hit the big score and dump a bunch of cash into his neighborhood. His idea is that if the scoreContinue Reading

This originally posted 08-Nov-2015. This morning (07-Jan2016) Whoopie Goldberg made news because she said we should ban automatic weapons that were banned in 1934. In 1989 California banned assault weapons and large capacity magazines. Gun manufacturers modified their semi-automatic rifles so that they could still be sold in California. TheContinue Reading