Fresh chicken is evil, hateful and dangerous. We must protest in the streets, riot to battle this evil that will destroy our society as we know it. Fight the white power, fight the patriarchy, fight oppression by the fresh chicken!Continue Reading

Heaven: a bottomless Domino’s Pizza gift card and locks on my basement man cave so I can play World of Warcraft uninterrupted. Luv me some WoW.Continue Reading

First Posted 15-Jan-2015 So, I nicknamed somebody, “SumYung HotTea” to make a point. The character was a collage of folk I’ve known. I thought I was done with her. Not. It’s never good to try and go blow for blow with a writer who owns a domain. This is why:Continue Reading

Meadow Filled with Black-eyed Susans

#johnk. My buddy and I were kicking around the various malfunctions we suffer from/through with our kin. His Dad somehow picked up the “go away/come here” tactic of some women. It is a core belief of his that any relationship that feels like it is in “come here” mode willContinue Reading

First Posted 04-Jul-2015 This week, the Supreme Court passed down decisions on ObamaCare and Gay Marriage. A lot of people are celebrating both. I am not. I’ve been waiting to hear from Eugene Lefkowitz, figuring he’d gloat. He did. The e-mail came today: “I”m SOOOO happy right now you justContinue Reading

First Posted 18-Feb-2015 I’m not from Richmond, VA. I’m from Turnersville, NJ in Whitman Square. I grew up with a lot of Eastern European and Italian families who didn’t seem to need a day job. There were a lot of Cadillac’s and nice German sedans in the driveways of myContinue Reading

This originally posted on Halloween 31-Oct-2015. The stream of news is ceaseless. Picking a bit of it to write about feels overwhelming. A few weeks ago it burst forth in a spew about another mass shooting and the requisite call for more gun control. I still have that post sittingContinue Reading

This originally posted 08-Nov-2015. This morning (07-Jan2016) Whoopie Goldberg made news because she said we should ban automatic weapons that were banned in 1934. In 1989 California banned assault weapons and large capacity magazines. Gun manufacturers modified their semi-automatic rifles so that they could still be sold in California. TheContinue Reading