Run! Felina Run! It’s what was in my head as she told me about the pendejo who had invited her to stay with him on a visit to Richmond. He was all that. He called himself Akim Kogan. Former addict, 6 years clean and sober !with tokens to prove it!,Continue Reading

Fashy Boy asks, “What are we?” and Felina answers, “friends.” This does not sit well with Fashy Boy. Fashy Boy, it seems, pitched the idea of meeting the fam and Felina agreed. Meeting the fam is a “we are a thing” move. He was hoping for more than “friends“. ItContinue Reading

Let me explain the title of this piece. This aphorism, “secrets have a way of getting out,” was in my head as I watched our local TV station report the march on Broad Street because Dumpf was inaugurated. Dumpf’s opposition is desperate for a secret that will kill his abilityContinue Reading

Inger’s first appearance on the blog was last August when I started a kurfuffle for tossing about the word “rape” too casually for some. I didn’t name her then. I described the incident in a post titled, “It Was Rape“. I never named the girl who threw herself at theContinue Reading

Heaven: a bottomless Domino’s Pizza gift card and locks on my basement man cave so I can play World of Warcraft uninterrupted. Luv me some WoW.Continue Reading

The highest form of swordsmanship is living so you don’t need a sword. Master your weapon so you live free of the need for a weapon.Continue Reading

Puerto Rican Day Parade

This is the thing. I’m normal. Kind of. A reason to be happy? Not for me. A theme of my life has been the need to have my needs met and an itch to be loud. I wanted life to mean something, to have an impact on more than myContinue Reading