Old habits die hard. I’m trying in 2016 to break the habit of preaching. The ethic among those in recovery is to share. It’s a good ethic. This post is a fail in that regard. A couple years ago I was in love with yelling at anybody in earshot thatContinue Reading

First Posted 14-Feb-2015 Wikipedia says St. Valentine was a third century Roman martyr buried on the Via Flaminia close to the Milvian Bridge in Rome. Very little is known about him other than folk attach the idea of courtly love to him. By Saturday, every significant other is supposed toContinue Reading

First Posted 12-23-2015 I was asked by someone I met through Tinder if I am “gay friendly”. Her daughter is going to marry her longtime girlfriend. I am not “gay friendly”. Homosexuality is a sin. Marriage is something between a hetero-cis-female and a hetero-cis-male. This puts me at odds withContinue Reading

So, no kidding there are assholes and you can arrange your life in ways that push away all others so only the assholes are left. There are self-help books and whole bunches of fans of “The Law of Attraction“. It’s old news, that you get what you give. If youContinue Reading

My fellow blogger Aubrey Eicher posted an essay on Eve and the apple.” She writes, “When we love, we do not want to do anything to hurt the heart of the person, or in this case, God.” Which are fine words from a young Christian woman writing in 2015. SoContinue Reading