First Posted 14-Jul-2015 Today more and more men are opting out of society’s restrictive male roles and going their own way, but some women are finding it difficult to adjust to the trend because they are not used to men l… Source: MGTOW and female disapproval Sorry, hotness, I’ve changed.Continue Reading

First Posted 14-Jul-2015 If you have pondered what MGTOW is, it’s a protest saying that we will not be dehumanized, we will not be criminalized for being born, we will not be treated like second-class citizens. I say… Source: MGTOW—A boycotting of women A guy weighing in on this. IContinue Reading

First Posted 30-Jul-2015 The knowledge that MGTOW is a thing bugs me. Men Going Their Own Way because they’ve decided that the bullshit way outpaces the affection in all cases and therefore, the affection isn’t worth it–it can’t be that *all* women are like this. There are good women, goodContinue Reading

First Posted 02-Aug-2015 That guy, James Rustler? He’s had a few aliases. I think that’s the one he uses these days. There was another one from a few years back when he came home broke after flying to Thailand to meet a girl who promised him a happy ending. TheyContinue Reading