Socialism Educating Alan
I put this in the “Not News” bucket. If you paid much attention in college you know almo
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1 Comment

  1. Some editing might clarify your thoughts. Are you looking for a Utopian government? Words aren’t likely to integrate the disparities between personalities that populate the public arena into a cohesive whole. This country is more divided and dysfunctional today than I can remember in the past. Conservatives have decided that they won’t talk with or compromise with liberals. A lot of the “low information” (often poorly educated) population is scared, even as they have little patience for “information” that could lift them from their troubles. They’re attracted to the emotional appeal to God by tea party types, like Cruz.

    I’m not exposed to the “free stuff,” “common pot” culture. Sounds like a built-in conflict. In our art class we “share” critiques with one another on the quality of our work. We still own what we do.

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