What’s Wrong With Socialism?

This is what’s wrong with socialism: its heart of hearts is hate. Everything Marx, Engel, Stalin, Lenin, Mao, Mussolini, Hitler, and others have a core built on hate. Hate for whom or what? Hate for the bourgeoisie.

This is one thing wrong with Marx and Mao: they are addicts. I know, they are dead and so it should be “were”. Their way of life lives on in BLM and Antifa so I’ve used a present tense verb. Marx was an alcoholic and opium addict. Mao was addicted to sleeping pills. The character of a leader is lived out in those he or she leads. So it’s no accident that followers of Marx and Mao behave like dry drunks.

Here is a dirty little secret: capitalism has never been rooted out of Communist/Socialist societies. Where central control and governance fail to provide for a society black market capitalism invades like toxic mold. North Korea survives because of a thriving Black Market trade conducted by women.

The final wrong thing is violence. If you don’t believe in violence you are a fake revolutionary. 毛澤東 rose to power on a mountain of bodies. He is quoted in “Mao, the Untold Story” as being pleased with the deaths caused by his policies. His fight with Chiang Kai Shek starved and consequently killed thousands. But BLM isn’t like that. No? Then why are they rioting, looting, setting businesses on fire, and shooting people?


毛澤東的生活方式 (Mao Zedong Way of Life) is the core belief system of BLM and Antifa. So at the heart of BLM and Antifa is hate, addiction, and violence. The key demand is that we kowtow before them and adhere to absurd, violent slavery so that they can get justice and give us peace.

Followers of 毛澤東的生活方式 must hate privilege and anyone/anything that exposes their tribe as doing worse than someone else. The final solution is to bludgeon all that other into behaving in a way pleasing to the tribe. Next, you as an individual are merely an atom, an ant in a collective enterprise that gives you everything. The individual is nothing. The collective and the state are everything.


At our core, we were founded on Christian ethics rooted in love. We are holy fire to the smoldering rot that is socialism. You can’t be a sincere Christian and a serious disciple of Mao. Liber XX: 4-6 “Non facies tibi sculptile, neque omnem similitudinem quae est in caelo desuper et quae in terra deorsum nec eorum quae sunt in aquis sub terra. Et non adorabis ea et non coles ego enim sum Dominus Deus tuus fortis zelotes visitans iniquitatem patrum super filios in tertiam et quartam generationem eorum qui oderunt me: et faciens misericordiam in milia de his qui diligunt me, et custodiunt præcepta mea.”

It is Mao that is the god-king of American Communism. Marx rejected religion as an opiate for the masses. Mao, hearing this, felt a thrill run down his leg. He could follow the lead of 儀皇帝. As a god-king, he could rule in a way much more powerful than petty-bourgeois and secular leaders like Stalin or Lenin. Getting the populace addicted to him was an awesome move he pursued diligently. And it worked, better than he could imagine.

It is to 毛澤東 that BLM looks for liturgy and theology. Mao rose to power on a Babylon tower of fear, shame, and violence. Mao Tse Tung tortured and murdered his way to a titular imperial rule. His Great Leap forward starved to death between 20 to 46 million people. Hitler was a piker.


To be alive in Mao’s China was to fear the label 反布爾什維克 (Anti-Bolshevik). This was an all-purpose accusation perpetrated to either save yourself or cause an enemy to be cleansed. There was no need for our criminal justice process. The accusation was sufficient. The consequences were brutal torture and death.

Those that survived were forced to self-denounce their failure to be sufficiently supportive of Mao and the Chinese Communist Party. You could not be moderate. You had to love the Party and Mao with enough fervor. Any weakening of your devotion was risking an accusation of 反布爾什維克.

Why should we care? It is 2020. 毛澤東 died 1976年9月9日 (1976-9-9). That’s 44 years ago. So yesterday. Modern Socialism is better. Ok. Sendero Luminoso is still active in Peru. As for BLM, they are Maoists. They demand that we shout, “Black Lives Matter” with sufficient passion. Well-meaning intellectuals hold critical race theory training classes where the task is for white people to perform a self-denouncement of their racism and privilege. So 毛主義 is still relevant.


And here is why: the tactics of BLM are Mao’s tactics of fear and shame. You can’t be merely sympathetic to the plight of the downtrodden. You have to prove your fealty with sufficient fervor. Problem? Yeah, you can’t fulfill the demand. Nothing you do is sufficient.

If you are white? Forget about it. White people are innately evil and racist. They could flagellate themselves while chanting “Black Lives Matter” 247365 until they fell out and it would not be enough. BLM is built on hate, shame, and anger. It shares its heart of hearts with 毛澤東哲學.

This the stage on which this post is placed—I am the totem for every evil thing claimed as the cause of the oppression of African Americans. My accusers assign me power over the lives of millions of Black Folk and accuse me of oppressing them simply because I live and breathe.


I keep repeating this. That I am accused of being a little g god responsible for the misery of millions. I don’t want the power I am accused of having. This is my larger point: you can’t serve both 耶穌 (Jesus) and 毛澤東 Máozédōng. Exodus 20:4-6, “切勿為自己雕刻圖像,或在天上,在地下,在地下的水中做任何類似的事情。 5你不可屈服於他們或為他們服務,因為我主你的神是嫉妒的神,向那些恨我的人的第三代和第四代拜訪父親的罪孽,6但要表現出堅定的愛 給成千上萬愛我並遵守我誡命的人。” Also, Matthew 6:24, “沒有人可以服務於兩個主人,因為他要么恨一個主人而愛另一個主人,要么他將致力於一個主人而鄙視另一個主人。 你不能事奉上帝和金錢.

In English: “You shall not make for yourself a carved image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the Lord your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing steadfast love to thousands[a] of those who love me and keep my commandments.” and “No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.”

Mao did not tolerate any weakening of fealty to the Party. You had to compete with your kin and neighbors to show more devotion than them. Failure could get you killed. Violence, fear and shame were the three weapons used to prove you loved Mao and the Party more than anyone else. So millions died.


Or . . . an absurd story about a carpenter from Nazareth born in a stable in Bethlehem to homeless parents. This wretch taught us to love our enemies. He said we should do unto others as we would have them do unto us. Matthew 7:12, “因此,無論您希望別人對您做什麼,也希望他們也這樣做,因為這就是律法和先知。”

So the challenge is this. To whom do you worship? A genocidal emperor wanna-be who caused the death of millions or that crazy Carpenter who broke the Sabbath and healed the sick? No, don’t answer. I don’t actually care.

BLM says we should care about Black Lives. Then they foment riots in our cities in areas populated by Black Lives. BLM blames the cops for the deaths of young black men. They make the absurd demand that there cannot be another death by a cop in a country of 330 million people until the end of time. Or what? Or they will destroy the businesses that support Black Lives.

Yeon-Mi Park (박연미)

Three things, then. First, when threatened and told that in exchange for the removal of the threat I must comply my interest in compliance dies. I don’t care what it is you want me to do. You threatened me. That’s the first thing I will deal with. So “silence is violence” is a threat I will answer. Just not the way you want me to.

Second, I am a disciple of Christ. I belong to Jesus of Nazareth. I am at peace with the knowledge that through history devotion to Christ became a deadly choice. Tortured and told that I must prove my allegiance to ending racism just moves me to defy the demand. I’ll fail and choose torture and death before I renounce Christ.

Next, I’ve been watching Yeon-Mi Park on YouTube. Yeon-Mi chose to flee instead of fight. My takeaway is that Kim Jung Un, for all his effort to emulate Mao and succeed, hasn’t solved the problem of the Black Market. Black Market Capitalism is the hidden reason why Communism in North Korea hasn’t completely collapsed. Capitalism is a virus in Communist societies that fills the gaps created by a centralized, large, and incompetent government.


Last thing. Self-Criticism vs. the Prayer of Confession. Everyone in Mao’s China and Kim Jon Un (김정은) must perform a self-criticism regularly. This is every Saturday in North Korea. There are two tasks. One must name a thing done wrong in the previous week and one must also name someone who did something wrong. From this self-criticism, there will be punishment for yourself, and for the person you named. There is no forgiveness. There is no future day in which your confessed crime is redeemed. The misery continues and moral improvement isn’t a concern.

About that before I conclude. I count this as axiomatic: for every law there is a cheat (每一個法律都有一個騙局). Which means I suspect the Saturday self-denunciation (자기 비난) in North Korea is gamed so that those attending can protect themselves. The accusations and punishments are kept minor for most people. There are, I’m sure, conflicts that leak into Saturdays which cause more serious accusations and consequences. I’ll also guess that bribery plays a part in this rite of self-denunciation. It’s not the same as the Prayer of Confession.

The Prayer of Confession is different. Part of the liturgy of many Reformed congregations is a corporate prayer of confession. The pastor will talk about some failing of the congregation related to the sermon. Where Self-Criticism ignores forgiveness and redemption Reformed churches conclude the Prayer of Confession with an announcement of Christ’s grace and forgiveness.

Jesus on the Cross


I have an ask as you march on the National Mall and call for a revolution to replace our evil society with a Socialist Paradise. What are you for? You are marching for genocide and hate if it is 毛澤東哲學 or some flavor of it.

As for me and my house, I choose Christ—Joshua 24:15, “Now therefore fear the Lord and serve him in sincerity and in faithfulness. Put away the gods that your fathers served beyond the River and in Egypt, and serve the Lord. 15 And if it is evil in your eyes to serve the Lord, choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your fathers served in the region beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”
「所以,你們要敬畏耶和華,誠心誠意地事奉祂,摒棄你們祖先在幼發拉底河那邊和在埃及所拜的神明,專心事奉耶和華。 15 如果你們不願意事奉耶和華,今天就選擇你們的神明吧,或大河那邊你們祖先事奉的神明,或你們這裡亞摩利人的神明。至於我和我全家,我們必事奉耶和華。」

Sin autem malum vobis videtur ut Domino serviatis, optio vobis datur: eligite hodie quod placet, cui servire potissimum debeatis: utrum diis, quibus servierunt patres vestri in Mesopotamia, an diis Amorrhaeorum, in quorum terra habitatis: ego autem et domus mea serviemus Domino.

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  1. I have one word for this essay: umgepotch (Yiddish)

    Feeling all right?

    1. Umgepotch–sloppy. Ok. I’m feeling fine.

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