Richmond, VA City District 8 and Congressional District 4 Candidates for the 2020 General Election This one won’t be 1500 words. It is just a list of who is on the ballot for the 2020 General Election for Virginia Congressional District 4 and RVA City Council District 8. Also, ifContinue Reading

Black Hand Coffee I picked up Inger from Tucker. She was hanging out with friends at Black Hand Coffee and had a breakdown. She started out explaining the abandoned car that was in front of my house last spring. In short order, it turned to a story about the carContinue Reading

Obama Pimp Daddy

“Licke” is a deliberate misspelling. It is a mashup of “lick” and “like”. You will find several misspellings in this piece. I didn’t just suddenly forget my B.A. in English. I don’t have dementia (yet). Comments telling me I made mistakes in writing this will not get approved. Some talkContinue Reading

First Posted 24-Sept-2015 Our relationship to authority figures is symbiotic. They project a personality and we subliminally reflect it back in the way we behave. It’s not always overt. Sometimes it’s a subtle vibe, a mood that echoes some aspect of the personality of our authority figures. There is theContinue Reading